Syllabus Information

At the beginning of each semester, please email your course syllabi to [email protected].

Syllabus Policy & Resources

University policy dictates that each syllabus must contain certain types of information:

  • Information Specific to the Course
  • Information about University Policies

For undergraduate classes, include the information for the appropriate undergraduate listserv. There are instructions for the GSD listserv serving German, Nordic, and Dutch majors, minors, and interested undergraduates, as well as for Slavic listserv for undergraduate majors, minors, and other interested students.

Syllabus Requirements

A. Information Specific to the Course

  • Course title, designator & number, and credits.
  • Day, time, and place of class meetings.
  • Instructor's name & contact information.
  • Course prereqs, if any.
  • Course goals, objectives, and expectations. Courses that fulfill LE (Liberal Education) requirements must include information on the requirements. Undergrad courses should include at least one Student Learning Outcome (SLO).
  • Required and recommended materials (e.g., books) and the location of the materials (if applicable). After the second week of the term, minor (but not major) changes in the readings may be made.
  • General description of assignments, papers, projects, exams and other student work with a schedule of approximate due dates and relative weight in the grade. Minor but not major changes may be made to assignments after the second week of the term.
  • Syllabi for 5xxx (and 3xxx/5xxx) courses need to include information on the different expectations for undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Description of any course meetings that occur outside of the regularly scheduled class time.
  • Attendance requirements and penalties, if any.
  • Statement of extra credit. If an instructor wishes to offer what is commonly known as extra credit opportunities for students in a class to allow them to improve their grade, those opportunities must be announced and made available to all students. (This provision does not address the option of increasing the number of credits a student may earn for the course.)
  • Policy for making up missed exams and grading late work.
  • The date, time, and place of the final examination if one is scheduled.

B. Information about University Policies

The syllabus must also contain references to specific University policies. Instructors are encouraged to discuss elements of these policies that are particularly applicable to their course, and to provide paper copies of them to classes with first-year students.

Instructors should include ONE of the following:

  • Copy and paste the information from the Recommended Policy Statements for Syllabi page. Note that there are two versions of the last section on "Academic Freedom and Responsibility": one if the course does not have a research component and one if it does. Copy only the one that applies to your course.
  • Copy the table with the policy names and the URLs and paste into your syllabus.

Syllabus Archive

Our archive of syllabi goes back to about 2010. To find out if earlier syllabi exist for a particular course, contact the Office.

Files are named by Course Designator & Number - Course Term - Instructor / Coordinator
Example: GER 1001 2022-2 Ruf

Course Terms:
Year-2 = Spring of [Year]
Year-3 = Summer of [Year]
Year-5 = Fall of [Year]

This Google Drive folder contains the syllabus archive.